Face & Neck Aesthetic Procedures

Removal of excess skin and/or fat in combination with rectification and restoration of the contour (canthopexy) and the volume of the eyelids (micro fat grafting

Rectification and/or support the eyebrows in cases of asymmetry or falling

Removal of excess skin and/or fat (liposuction) in combination with rectification and restoration the contour (SMAS Plication) and the volume of the face (micro fat grafting)

Removal of excess skin and/or fat (liposuction) in combination with rectification and restoration of contour of the neck (Platysma Plication)

Aesthetic and functional restoration of the nose or repair of an already operated nose

Aesthetic restoration of the intense anterior projection of the auricles (protruding ears)

Jaw harmonization and profile remodeling in cases of macrogenia (proeminent chin), microgenia (receding chin) or asymmetry with implants or fillers

Remodeling, rejuvenation and restoration of the contour and volume of the face with liposuction-micro fat grafting